Over 2,000 members
Join them and let your voice be heard.
Driven by Excellence
Botswana Exporters & Manufacturers Association (BEMA) is a business membership organization incorporating exporters, manufacturers, service providers and individuals in trade and export related areas. BEMA aims to improve the competitiveness of Botswana’s manufacturing and export sectors into the region and international fraternity through tailor made services programs which include but are not limited to:
· Advocacy / representation
· Market awareness
· Promoting joint ventures
· Facilitation for creation of sustainable employment opportunities
· Participation with local, regional and international stakeholders.
Our Programs
BEMA has partnered with Trade Forward Southern Africa (TFSA) to identify the export training needs of local companies. A majority of companies within Botswana are small micro and medium enterprises, often at times have in place systems that do not adhere to efficient operational frameworks, this leading to over spending and lack of competitiveness in the export arena. BEMA in partnership with the TFSA, are studying the training gaps and needs of such companies and provide them with the right framework.
The association is working in tandem with the USAID Trade Hub on a Supplier Development Program that serves to ensure that suppliers in Botswana align or are in conformity with market requirements. Botswana is subject to numerous trade agreements such as the AGOA. SACU + Mozambique –UK EPA, SADC – EU EPA, AfCFTA etc. These agreements are currently under utilized and we therefore have come up with this program to ensure there’s uptake of the trading agreements.
The Association has an online platform called BEMA Stores, a multi-vendor e-commerce platform that enables traders to transact irrespective of geographic location. The store is impeccably laid out in such a manner that it is appealing yet user friendly even to the non tech-savvy. Individual traders and companies can set up their own mini store within the platform, showcase their products to allow customers the chance to appreciate and purchase their product offering. BEMA stores, although in its early phase of operation has shown tremendous success in the sense that, we have noted overseas trading activity within the store and hardly receive any complaint. Initially BEMA Stores was established to counter the adverse effect of the COVID pandemic on trading activity as businesses where compelled rendered to seize operations, businesses came forth to ensure the continuity of trading and even enjoying the benefits of an endless web based market. The store may be accessed at www.bemastores.com or www.bemastores.co.bw
Our Representations
OACPS Business Forum
: Bema has been appointed by the Government of the Republic of Botswana through the Ministry of International Affairs and Cooperation to represent the Private Sector in the newly formed Organisation of African Carrabin and Pacific States (OACPS) Business Forum. The forum exists to provide the public-private sector with a platform to share lessons and experiences, capacity building initiatives, key areas of private sector support based on national, regional and all-OACPS experiences including the implementation of OACPS-EU trade arrangements, with special emphasis on the Economic Partnership Agreements and the role that private sector should play in them. Furthermore, the Business Forum as well identifies opportunities and challenges for the private sector in the OACPS-EU Post-Continuo Partnership Agreement (PCPA
). BEMA Chief Executive Officer serves as the current President of the OACPS Business Forum
supported by five (5) vice presidents from other OACPS regions.
AGOA : The Botswana Exporters & Manufacturers Association Co-Chairs the AGOA reference group under the Ministry of Investment Trade & Industry. The committee works on assisting Botswana manufacturers to make full use of the AGOA opportunities. AGOA is a preferential trade agreement between the US and African countries with over six thousand product lines. Our role essentially is to assist the local manufacturing and exporting community tap into the US market which is duty free and host a plethora of other benefits.
TCMA : BEMA represents the sector at a government platform called the Technical Committee on Market Access. This platform exists essentially to tackle market related issues that the sector is faced with, issues related to non-tariff barriers, pricing, competition etc. In a trading area where such market issues are not addressed or failed to be resolved tactfully, the burdens are felt by companies and reflected on their financial statements.
SACU : BEMA serves as private sector representatives at the SACU Senior Experts on Industrialization, exports and Investment Committee. Through this committee the Association is able to learn best practice standards from other member states, as well as ensure that the private sector is poised to work in tandem with the government to align our industrialization policy with the rest of the region. BEMA also chairs the SACU TWG-Boarder Coordination Committee.
: The association serves as national focal points of the AfCFTA online NTB reporting mechanism tool
This tool is meant to facilitate our efforts in solving cross-border trade barriers in a more efficient and effective manner. In an instance where an exporter from Botswana is facing a challenge in getting their goods across the border, we would be able to instantaneously mediate in the issue through notifying the nation of the other trading party.